eLearning conference 2019


Review presentation descriptions here or by clicking the presentation titles below

Session Presentations Presentations Presentations Roundtable Discussions
8:15-8:45 Registration and light breakfast
Campus Center Lobby & Multipurpose Room
8:45-8:55 Welcoming remarks
Campus Center Multipurpose Room
Room  Multipurpose Room  South BC  West ABC  Executive Meeting Room
1: 9:00-9:30 No more peek-a-boo: using rubrics to promote grading transparency and student development
Presenter: Edwina Haring, Business, Rutgers University–Camden
What type of researcher are you: an innovative active learning activity
Presenter: Dana Kemery, Nursing, Drexel University
Integrating screencasts and videos for learning and assessment
Presenters: Ron Caro & Douglas Harvey, Education, Stockton University
Evaluating practice skills: Using Kaltura with students
Presenter: Sara Beth Plummer, Social Work, Rutgers University–Camden
Teaching online or
hybrid courses
Teaching online or hybrid courses Teaching online or hybrid courses Technology in the face-to-face classroom
2: 9:35-10:05 Building virtual communities to increase student engagement in online courses
Presenter: Charles McLeester, Business, Rutgers University–Camden
Taking a hands-on example of experimental design to the online classroom
Presenter: Robrecht van der Wel, Psychology, Rutgers University–Camden
Using technology to handle challenges of large groups, learning assessment, and little time
Presenter: Laura Grayson Roselli, Biology/Biotechnology, RCBC
The seminar course online: challenges and rewards
Moderator: Rick Demirjian, History, Rutgers University–Camden
Teaching online or hybrid courses Teaching online or hybrid courses Technology in the face-to-face classroom Teaching online or hybrid courses
3: 10:10-10:40 Flipping online discussions from text to video
Presenters: Jackie Murphy & Joanne Farley Serembus, Nursing, Drexel University
Enter your online class like a wrestling superstar
Presenter: Brooke Hoffman, Instructional Technology, RCGC
FlipGrid Fever
Presenter: Angie Corry, Psychology, Rutgers University–Camden
Using technology to redesign course assessments
Moderator: Kristin August, Psychology, Rutgers University–Camden
Teaching online or hybrid courses Teaching online or hybrid courses Technology in the face-to-face classroom Technology in the face-to-face classroom
Refreshments in the MultiPurpose Room
4: 11:00-11:30 Helping students transition to Canvas
Presenter: Carly Finkel, World Languages, Rutgers University–Camden
Kick-start your course development by reimagining assignments for the online environment
Presenters: Jessica Morris & Cathy Turner, CTL, University of Pennsylvania
Responsive teaching: polling students to drive instruction
Presenters: Rachel Kirzner & Ted Alter, Stockton; Shankar Sundaresan, Rutgers University–Camden
Creating the perfect? online assessment (and having the courage to fail)
Moderator: Danielle Zimecki-Fennimore & Perpetue Cadet, Academic Compliance, RCGC
Teaching online or hybrid courses Teaching online or hybrid courses Technology in the face-to-face classroom Teaching online or hybrid courses
5: 11:35-12:05 A deliberate approach: An academic department considers online courses
Panelists: Lynne Vallone & Sarada Balagopalan, Childhood Studies, Rutgers University–Camden
Promoting reflective thinking in an online environment
Presenter: Tricia Nolfi, DPPA, Rutgers University–Camden and Rider University
Face time: Persuading students to put their phones away during class
Moderator: Lee Ann Westman, Gender Studies, Rutgers University–Camden
Teaching online or hybrid courses Teaching online or hybrid courses Technology in the face-to-face classroom
6: 12:10-12:40 Shall we play a game? Incorporating game mechanics into online course design
Presenter: Shaun Holland, Rowan Online, Rowan University
Social bookmarking applications for education
Presenter: Ethan Kinory, Business, Rutgers University–Camden
Encouraging engaged student interactions in online classes
Moderator: Tara Woolfolk, Psychology, Rutgers University–Camden
Teaching online or hybrid courses Technology in the face-to-face classroom Teaching online or hybrid courses
Lunch: 12:45-1:45
Multi-Purpose Room
Student panel
student panel (over lunch): 1:00-1:30, Multi-Purpose Room
7: 1:50-2:20 Tech lightning rounds featuring FlipGrid, Socrative, Kahoot, and other instructional technologies
Various presenters
Graphic syllabi—a success tool for the learning economy
Presenter: Steve Pyser, Business, Rutgers University–Camden
Choosing appropriate technologies and integration toward pedagogical goals: a case of teaching economics and mathematics
Presenter: Babu Dasari, Economics, Rutgers University–Camden
Technology in the face-to-face classroom Technology in the face-to-face classroom
8: 2:25-2:55
Hands-on technology workshop
MultiPurpose Room
Presented by Instructional Design & Technology at Rutgers University–Camden
Hosted by Instructional Design & Technology at Rutgers–Camden
(856) 225-6090 • idt@camden.rutgers.edu